
“You Wear Too Much Makeup”

( www.reddit.com )

“You Wear Too Much Makeup” Hello everyone, I do not post on reddit often. I apologize if this post goes against the rules/guidelines of this subreddit. I wanted to ask other make up lovers this question. I work with a lot of older women who do not wear make up. I often get “odd” comments like, “Sarah always looks like she is showing up to a pageant.” Or “How do you have t…

Reddit Makeup Addiction 1.3k 2024-03-23

CSU: What to Wear and What to Avoid

( www.webmd.com )

CSU: What to Wear and What to Avoid Find out what’s best to wear to prevent and manage chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU), also called chronic hives.

WebMD 687 2024-02-24

How should I do my makeup if I wear glasses?

( www.reddit.com )

How should I do my makeup if I wear glasses? I feel like my glasses cover my eye makeup a little and I feel sad when I do a look and you can’t see it properly. Are there any makeup styles that would look better with glasses? I’ve noticed doing simpler makeup looks better and that’s what I like doing more now. It’s just that when I went to do a little more makeup for an event or something i…

Reddit Makeup Addiction 1.3k 2023-10-24

People always, like my whole life, have told me I wear too much makeup. I have tried all types of methods to “tone it down”, and each time I post I get a new person telling me I wear too much of x, y or z (surprisingly, it does vary). Can you please help me?

( www.reddit.com )

People always, like my whole life, have told me I wear too much makeup. I have tried all types of methods to “tone it down”, and each time I post I get a new person telling me I wear too much of x, y or z (surprisingly, it does vary). Can you please help me? submitted by /u/TibetanSister

Reddit Makeup Addiction 549 2023-09-05

What kind of make up should I wear

( www.reddit.com )

What kind of make up should I wear Hi y’all I’m 23 and love makeup on others, but I can’t do anything myself yet, other than putting on mascara, but I’d really like to learn Do you have any recommendations on what you think would suit me and what specific products I could buy? I prefer more earthy tones, but I’m really open. The picture is with no makeup other than some leftover…

Reddit Makeup Addiction 136 2023-08-21

The Worst Fabrics to Wear in Hot Weather

( lifehacker.com )

The Worst Fabrics to Wear in Hot Weather We’re in the the middle of a broiling summer, with record-breaking temperatures recorded all over the world. Now more than ever, sweating is completely normal—and crucial for regulating our body temperature— but arriving at work with your shirt already soaked from your morning commute isn’t a good look for anyone. But… Read more…

Lifehacker 135 2023-07-25

LPT: Wear Yellow to the Zoo

( www.reddit.com )

LPT: Wear Yellow to the Zoo Even if an animal is partially colorblind chances are they can see yellow. The animals are WAY more likely to come up to you and interact if they find you interesting. Throw in some shiny accessories for extra points! (And as always only support zoos that participate in conservation and repopulation) submitted by /u/RaccoonEnemyNo1

Life Pro Tips 161 2023-07-07