
Don’t Listen To Elon Musk, The $25,000 Tesla Probably Isn’t Coming

( jalopnik.com )

Don’t Listen To Elon Musk, The $25,000 Tesla Probably Isn’t Coming For years now, Tesla has been promising a $25,000 car to serve as the entry point for the brand. This is unlikely to ever happen, but Elon Musk continues to claim it’s totally real and absolutely coming any day now — even when Reuters says it’s dead. Read more…

Jalopnik 952 2024-05-09

First job out of college at 25. How should I be managing the money I’m making? What should I be saving? What are my savings options when my work only offers a non-matched 401k?

( www.reddit.com )

First job out of college at 25. How should I be managing the money I’m making? What should I be saving? What are my savings options when my work only offers a non-matched 401k? I have my first job out of college at age 25 making $52,500/yr pre-tax. I get paid bi-weekly net around 1700$ (3400/month net). – Rent, utilities, phone, car insurance costs $1650/month – Phone – 15, car insurance – 90, utilities – 105 – Food bill is around 200-300/month – I have no existing debts as I was lucky to get scholarships and grants th…

Reddit Personal Finance 636 2024-05-08