#Personal Finance

Late mortgage payment?

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Late mortgage payment? I write a physical check every month made out to my credit union and bring it in and hand it to someone who puts it toward my mortgage. I brought the April check in on 3/29. Two days ago (4/18) I got a letter in the mail saying my payment is late and they are alerting credit bureaus. I reached out to the banker who made the payment for me and I …

Reddit Personal Finance 939 2024-05-19

Taxes: What to do cap gain losses

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Taxes: What to do cap gain losses I must be an idiot, I thought I could sell a bunch of stock market losses to negate the tax hit from an unexpected bonus, but only $3k of tax losses were applied to my income and I have the rest of 2023 stock losses to roll over to next years. If I have cap gains from stock market in 2024, can I apply the full losses (less the $3k claimed)from …

Reddit Personal Finance 861 2024-05-19

What will happen to my 401k?

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What will happen to my 401k? I currently work a full-time job with great benefits, including 401k match. I do plan on going back to school full time and will work part-time, leaving my benefits. What will happen to it? Can I still make personal investments even if it’s minuscule (compared to what I’m currently investing)? submitted by /u/doopiedopefish

Reddit Personal Finance 878 2024-05-19

Can something be RE-added to my credit report?

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Can something be RE-added to my credit report? I recently successfully disputed a charge on my collections. I received a letter from a different company on behalf ANOTHER company requesting money on the account I just successfully disputed. Do I have to pay this new company so it doesnt go BACK on my collections? submitted by /u/Fantastic_Mr_S

Reddit Personal Finance 916 2024-05-19

Should I keep or sell a recently bought car?

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Should I keep or sell a recently bought car? I think I got a little in over in my head when buying a car. Advice? Reposted with additional information. I recently bought a 2022 Honda Civic for 29k with 10k down. Total loan is a 19,404. Interest rate of 6.79% and a term of 75 months. Monthly insurance is about $190. Currently pay rent of $515 I’m in the process of cancelling the extended…

Reddit Personal Finance 595 2024-05-19

Book recommendation for young adults?

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Book recommendation for young adults? My wife and I have been financially illiterate for our whole adult working lives. I’ve only just recently learned the value of compound interest, IRAs, bank mortgage refinance scams, etc. I’ve only scratched the surface in terms of personal finance education, but I wish I could go back 30 years and set myself straight. We have 3 young adult “kid…

Reddit Personal Finance 935 2024-05-18

Is there a limit to the amount of bank accounts I can own?

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Is there a limit to the amount of bank accounts I can own? I’m just wondering cause I know that if you have too many credit card inquiries, it might affect the amount you can get in the future but I’m wondering if it’s the same for checking accounts.. Like would there be any possible way to own up to 100 accounts ? submitted by /u/pictureperfectpatek

Reddit Personal Finance 919 2024-05-18

Continue to fund 529 once kids near college age?

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Continue to fund 529 once kids near college age? Have two children (18 and 16 years old) and have been funding their 529 accounts at the maximum amount of 14k/year. Thanks to a great market, both have 200k at this point. The 18 year old has decided on his college which should be just under 50k/year with room and board so i stopped funding his 529. The 16 year old just did some college tours an…

Reddit Personal Finance 1.1k 2024-05-18

Convenience store pending charge

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Convenience store pending charge I went to the convenience store in my building last night that I buy from frequently and bought a few things, that maybe came out or $20. However on my bank account today I see a hold of $142 for the charge. I know for gas stations it can be normal to see such a high amount before it goes through but is the same true for a convenience store? I’l…

Reddit Personal Finance 847 2024-05-18

house poor or late gratitude

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house poor or late gratitude Help. Ok so my husband and I are both working full time jobs, can’t do 2nd jobs due to visa restrictions (working visa). Initially we are planning on setting up emergency funds, buffer, investing on another Roth IRA on top of our work roth funds (we used to contribute 12% to roth with employer matching and then dropped it to 6% last month) We co…

Reddit Personal Finance 316 2024-05-18

How is it possible to save anything at all?

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How is it possible to save anything at all? I’m in the UK. If I find an average salary job and pay the average UK rent and average living expenses, I still can’t save. How is it that people can do anything for their futures in modern society? I am stuck and don’t know how to proceed. Is there any advice for people who are wanting to leave home but can’t? submitted by /u/DoubleProud…

Reddit Personal Finance 1.0k 2024-05-18

Question about Roth IRAs for Married Filing Separate

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Question about Roth IRAs for Married Filing Separate Hello all, I have a question concerning Roth IRAs. So far this year, I have contributed $4,460 towards my 2024 Roth IRA contribution limit and invested it in FXAIX. I have only recently learned that people who are married filing separately aren’t eligible to contribute to Roth IRAs. This is my first year being married so, unfortunately, I was un…

Reddit Personal Finance 809 2024-05-18

23 y/o with no credit and no savings. I’m in desperate need of a car of my own to work and live.

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23 y/o with no credit and no savings. I’m in desperate need of a car of my own to work and live. Right now I live with my 25 y/o girlfriend in her paid-for double wide trailer, on property in her grandfather’s name (it will be hers one day, but for now, he pays the propert tax), and we share a 2004 Camry. I don’t have a stable job right now (as of rn I’m with a temp agency as well as doing side work to make money) but if everything goes acc…

Reddit Personal Finance 645 2024-05-18

An electric vehicle I would like to buy would pay for itself with the gas money I save. Is there something I’m missing here ? My car gets 19 mpg.

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An electric vehicle I would like to buy would pay for itself with the gas money I save. Is there something I’m missing here ? My car gets 19 mpg. I commute 26,000 miles annually, driving 2 days a week with a 250-mile round trip each time. My current vehicle, a 2001 suv, gets 19 miles per gallon on the highway. Gas prices in my area are currently at $5.50 per gallon, with a low of $4.10 over the past two years. At the current gas price of $5.50 per gallon, my monthly gas expenses for commu…

Reddit Personal Finance 393 2024-05-18

Taxes and claiming rent with CRA

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Taxes and claiming rent with CRA So my girlfriend of 5 years sends me $1,000 month that goes into a joint account to pay some of our house bills, food etc. She is self employed and I just found out she claims rent off $1,000 on her tax return each of the last 5 years. Question is do I have to claim that on my taxes as income, as the house is in my name? I make over $130k year a…

Reddit Personal Finance 646 2024-05-18

Money Anxiety, Constant Thoughts

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Money Anxiety, Constant Thoughts Age 23 going on 24. Stable income and stable job, not living above my means. I do not have any bad debt just what I would consider normal (student loans and vehicle). I know I am comfortable with my current bills and income, but I constantly am looking at spreadsheets. Trying to plan my paychecks and where the money is going for the next month….

Reddit Personal Finance 879 2024-05-18

Stocks/Bonds or Home Down Payment?

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Stocks/Bonds or Home Down Payment? I (28m) have some options and I’m looking at opinions. I have an amount of money I ran into and it’s been invested in stocks and bonds the past few years, overall doing very well. Long term, it’s an assistant in a retirement plan, but I’m also looking at buying my first home. What are your thoughts and risks on taking a sizable amount and puttin…

Reddit Personal Finance 784 2024-05-18

Investing options for an international PhD student.

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Investing options for an international PhD student. TLDR : What are some options for international students (on an F1 visa) to invest in the US stock market? Is Roth IRA (Fidelity vs Charles Schwab) the best option? I am a first-year PhD student (in STEM in a 5-year program), and I look forward to joining the industry and working after my PhD (perhaps moving back home if the situation arises). I…

Reddit Personal Finance 730 2024-05-18

Conflicted on debt vs savings

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Conflicted on debt vs savings I have about 62k in a HYSA earning 5 percent which is gaining me around 240 a month in interest. I have two outstanding loans. One for a house improvement project that has 44 payments left interest at 5.99. Remaining principal is around 17,500. I took out a car note recently where the principal loan is 22,700. I already made two principal paymen…

Reddit Personal Finance 951 2024-05-18